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Drainage Pipes in PVC and HDPE | Lareter

PVC and HDPE Drainage Pipes, slotted and micro- slotted, for systems of drainage and irrigation under ground.

The range of our Drainage Pipes is completed by PVC pipes for piezometric research and valved pipes for consolidation. We are able to reply to whatever requirement regarding the width of the slots, the number of matrixes and the height of the pipes.

Tubi in PVC – PE drenaggi

Field of application:

  • Drainage
  • Piezometri research
  • Valved pipes for consolidation
Price List

Technical specifications

Ref. to standards:

DIN 4925

Dimensional range:

Ø est. 40 – 500 PVC
Ø est. 40 – 800 PEAD
Ø est. = 1/2″ – 14″ PVC (british standard)


PVC: RAL 7011 gray – RAL 8023 brick – RAL 5015 blue
HDPE: RAL 9005 Black


Plain ends
Solvent socket
Threads M/F

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