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Polyethylene piezometric pipes

Fimap Technologies polyethylene pipes and filters are recognized and highly regarded by the majority of operators in the sector as satisfying any requirement made by companies specializing in water wells.

The use of high quality raw materials and rigorous testing during the production phase ensure that sanitation and technical regulations of most industrial countries are conformed with.

In particular, threading and micro-slotting conform to DIN 4925, or to specific customer requiremen.

Polyethylene pipes are distinct in the following respects:

  • resistance to mould corrosion sea water, dilute acid and alkaline solutions, stray currents.
  • greater shock resistance.
  • improved mechanical characteristics over time.
  • simple connectors.
DescrizioneValoreUnitàMetodo di prova
Peso specifico1,35 - 1,46g/cm³iso 1183
Coefficiente di dilatazione lineare0,06 - 0,08mm / m. C°UNI 6061167
Conducibilità termica0,13kcal / mh C°DIN 51612
Modulo di elasticità a trazione "E"30.000Kg / cm²ASTM D 747
Resistenza elettrica10^12Ohm cmUNI 4288
Carico di snervamento a trazione500 ÷ 550Kg/cm²ASTM D 638
Allungamento a trazione10%
Assorbimento d'acqua0,04÷0,06mg/cm²ASTM D 570
Allungamento a rottura100÷170%ASTM D 638
Resistenza all'urto (Charpy)5Kg cm / cm²ASTM D 256-56
Resistenza alla FiammaAutoestinguenteASTM D 635-56 T
Temperatura di rammollimento82ASTM D 985
The data indicated in the table refer to a temperature of 20 C°.
Operating pressure varies in inverse proportion to temperature.

Piezometric pipes allow problems associated with the study and investigation of contaminated sites and monitoring underground waters to be resolved (piezometric reading of ground water tables.) Fimap Technologies strives to be environmentally friendly and as such proposes products aimed at satisfying any investigative or monitoring requirement.

Outside diameterPipe thickness PE 100 mmPE 80 GAS mmThreading
mmPN 10 SDR 17PN 16 SDR 11PN 25 SDR 7,4S8 SDR 17,6S5 SDR 11
635,88,65,8Trapez. On the thickness
756,810,36,8Trapez. On the thickness
905,48,212,35,28,2Trapez. On the thickness
1106,610,015,16,310Trapez. On the thickness
1257,411,417,17,111,4Trapez. On the thickness
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